Watch Wendy kick Leukemia's ass!

Anonymous no more

The wait is over! My donor is no longer anonymous! I’m thrilled to know her name and we are in contact via email for now. It’s amazing to get to know her. Sorry folks. Not revealing her name for her privacy but it’s great.

She registered with Gift of life. I think I embarrassed her by thanking her but what else do you say to someone who donated a piece of themselves so a type of clone could be created? My family is clamoring for info and pics. They are as grateful as I am and I try to share what I can.

What a wild ride. There is no instruction booklet for this. How do I find out all about her and come across as a normal person and not some weird stalker? I want to know whatever she wants to share. I was so nervous when I sent my first email. I was sweating because I desperately wanted her to write back. When she did I cried and my whole family cried from happiness along with me.

This sounds a little loony right? She’s probably reading this realizing I’m off center. I can’t help it. I’m starstruck. She’s my hero.

You can be someone’s hero too. Swab your cheek and join the registry like gift of life or be the match. If you can’t register pass it on to someone who can;then you can have your very own stalker. Don’t feel comfortable with any of that? Please consider donating blood. I received countless bags of platelets and hemoglobin during treatment. All of those anonymous people saved my life too. Let 2016 be the year that you save a life.


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